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Rybka engine
Demo version
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Download Rybka 2.3.2a
You can download Rybka 2.3.2a for free. Rybka 2.3.2a was the final version of the Rybka 2 series and does give a fairly good introduction to the style and general approach of the engine.
You can also download RybkaII.ctg, the official opening book for Rybka 2 by Jeroen Noomen. Note that this book is much smaller than the official books for later Rybka versions and was created for computer chess only.

Download Rybka 2.3.2a
To install Rybka 2.3.2a, follow the instructions. Read more about the parameters and Rybka 2 in general.

Download the free Tarrasch GUI with Rybka 2.3.2a preinstalled
The Tarrasch GUI (graphical user inteface) is a simple and easy to use interface. If you don't have any GUI yet, this may be the easiest way to test Rybka. However, we recommend a professional GUI like Aquarium or Fritz for doing analysis, as they offer much more features.

Download RybkaII.ctg
RybkaII.ctg is in .ctg (ie. Chessbase/Fritz) format. It can only be used in the chessbase family of graphical user interfaces and Aquarium.

Download the Aquarium GUI demo version
The Aquarium graphical user interface is one of the interfaces you can buy Rybka 3 with, it's developed by Convekta.
Demo limitations:
* Any engine stops calculating after 2 seconds
* You cannot open CDP, CBH, PGN databases without converting
* You cannot work with databases containing more than 10 000 games
* The tree is working only in the 'opening' positions (where the castling is still possible) and a little bit further.
The last point means that IDeA is also working correctly only in opening positions and the blunder check and game analysis features (that are dependent on trees) may produce strange results.

Download the Aquarium GUI demo version